Saturday, November 20, 2021

 Lacson wants political turncoats held accountable: ‘Parang nasa daily menu na’

MANILA, Philippines — Presidential candidate and Senator Panfilo Lacson is pushing for tighter rules against political turncoatism, saying that there should be some accountability from politicians involved in such practices.

In a press forum, Lacson was asked if switching between political parties, particularly during election season, is a mockery of the election system.

“Unang-una, dapat i-strengthen natin yung political party system. Yung pagswi-switch, pagtu-turncoat, usong-uso e. Parang nasa daily menu na natin,” Lacson said.

(We should strengthen our political party system. Switching parties and turncoatism has been so prevalent. It’s like it’s part of the daily menu.)

“Siguro bigyan natin ng ngipin yung against turncoatism na kung saan may karampatang responsibilidad o accountability pag nag-switch ka ng partidong hindi naaayon sa rhyme or reason,” the senator added.

(We should give some teeth against turncoatism where those switching political parties should be held accountable when it’s not reasonable.)

Lacson said that accountability does not necessarily have to be in form of penalties.

Just a few days before declaring her vice presidential bid, Davao City mayor and vice presidential candidate Inday Sara Duterte-Carpio quit her regional party Hugpong ng Pagbabago (HNP) and joined the Lakas-CMD party.



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